Rust-Oleum Hard Hat 2102 Adhesion Primer

About this product:

Rust-Oleum Hard Hat Aerosol 2102 Adhesion Primer is an adhesion coat based on a solvent containing acrylic.

Technical Information

Touch Dry

Remains tacky


30 minutes


5.5m² per 400ml

Key Benefits

  • Ready to recoat after 30 minutes
  • Ideal with Rust-Oleum Hard Hat Topcoat
  • Durable adhesion to difficult substrates

Product Information

  • Sizes

    400ml Aerosol

  • Colours

    Translucent Blue

Application Method

Remove cover cap. Shake vigorously for at least one minute after the rattle of mixing ball is heard. Shake frequently during use. Hold can at least 25 cm from surface. Use back and forth motion keeping can parallel with surface. Ensure that can is in motion when spray button is pressed to avoid runs and sags. Apply a single, thin layer and avoid application of thick layers. After use turn can upside down and press spray button for 2 – 3 seconds to clean valve.