Osmo WR Base Coat
About this product:
Clear solvent-borne ready to use wood protection product for the exterior. It contains active ingredients which according to latest research protect against wood rotting (EN 113) and wood staining fungi as well as against wood destroying insects (EN 46). Swelling and shrinking is prevented.
Technical Information
Drying Time
12 hours
5-6m² per litre
Key Benefits
- Extremely water repellent
- No future application necessary
- Resistant to blue stain, rot and insect attack
- Reduces wood swelling and shrinkage
Product Information
Application Method
Apply by (brush or roller) spreading out thinly and evenly along wood texture. Number of coats required: 2-3, depending on wood species and surface characteristics. Coat the clean, dry and frost-free wood generously – if possible on all sides. The product should be applied evenly in order to get best results.