Teknos Siloksan Facade Masonry Paint

About this product:

A water-borne, full-matt silicone emulsion based paint for mineral surfaces. The paint is very permeable and water-repellent.

Technical Information

Touch Dry

30 minutes


2-3 hours


Up to 6m2/litre



Key Benefits

  • UV resistant
  • Water-borne
  • Very permeable
  • Water-repellent

Product Information

  • Sizes

    20lt, 10lt, 3lt

  • Colours


Application Method

Before use stir the paint thoroughly, apply by brush, roller or airless spray. With undiluted Siloksan Facade silicone emulsion paint. Reserve a sufficient amount of paint of the same batch for each uniform surface to prevent possible colour differences. If different batches must be used, possible seams between the batches are placed as inconspicuously as possible and are painted with a mixture of paint from both batches (e.g. 1 : 1).