Farrow & Ball Limewash

About this product:

A historical finish for walls and ceilings, both inside and out, Limewash bonds to the building itself to protect your home from the elements. Professional application recommended.

Technical Information

Drying Time

3 hours


12 hours



Key Benefits

  • Very flat matt finish, 2% sheen
  • Quick drying
  • Highly breathable
  • Minimal VOC
  • Eco-friendly

Product Information

  • Sizes


  • Colours


Application Method

Stir thoroughly before use. Lime renders can vary dramatically in porosity, leading to patching, this is more pronounced when using darker colours. Therefore Limewash requires a minimum of three coats to build up opacity and even out irregularities in tone. Apply with a long-haired or masonry paintbrush. Ensure the Limewash is applied as evenly as possible and is well worked into any cracks and joins, but not allowing it to build up too thickly at any point or it will craze on drying out. Avoid losing a wet edge as you move to the next area, damping as you go. For subsequent coats allow the previous coat to dry out completely, preferably overnight. Lightly dampen down with water the previous coat before applying the next. A minimum of three coats should be applied; more on new external surfaces or when changing colour. After the initial drying out, Limewash will continue to harden and strengthen for several weeks.